Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms ANDERSON - 2011-02-24

How many people have occupied the position of Youth Services Coordinator for Alice Springs Youth Action Plan since November 2010? For what proportion of the last four months has there been someone on the ground working in that role?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Macdonnell for her question. As the former minister for Central Australia, she will know how important the Youth Action Plan is in tackling antisocial behaviour, youth crime and getting the kids off our streets. She knows how much this government has supported and resourced the Youth Action Plan to achieve those outcomes.

Since October last year, we have had two people in that position. Unfortunately, the previous person in that position had to leave due to family and personal reasons. We now have John Adams in the position of Youth Services Coordinator. John is doing a great job in pulling together the non-government organisations, as well as government and federal government agencies.

I did not quite catch the other part of your question.

Ms ANDERSON: How long they have spent on the ground in the last four months.

Mr HAMPTON: Through the youth outreach workers, we have had youth workers on the street seven days a week since last year. We have youth workers on the beat seven days a week, working alongside police and security guards and doing a great job. I have been on the streets with them on patrol, as has the Deputy Chief Minister.

Dr BURNS (Leader of Government Business): Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016