Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Parliamentary Record (Hansard) and Minutes of Proceedings

Search Hansard

To search Hansard you can use the Index to Consolidated Minutes for each Assembly. This lists business that has been introduced and debated for each Assembly. It does not list what Members have spoken on.

When you have found the item of business you are searching for, take note of the page number written next to it. Then scroll to the Index Reference Summary at the beginning of the Index to Consolidated Minutes and take note of which day the matter was debated. You can then open the Hansard transcript for that day to find the debate. Please note that questions are not listed in the Index to Consolidated Minutes.

Committee Reports

Transcripts for 2017 Estimates Committee Budget or Annual Report hearings are available at Budget Hearings and Annual Reports

Information on Privileges Reports is available at the Privileges Committee webpage.

13th Assembly - Daily Hansard

10 October to 23 November 2017

This is a lightly edited transcript and is subject to further editing. Once edited the transcripts will be placed in the below 13th Assembly Parliamentary Record.

13th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

18 October 2016 to 24 August 2017

12th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

23 October 2012 to 27 June 2016

11th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

9 September 2008 to 21 June 2012

10th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

29 June 2005 to 20 June 2008

9th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

16 October 2001 to 5 May 2005

8th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

25 November 1997 to 5 July 2001

7th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

27 June 1994 to 12 August 1997

6th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

04 December 1990 to 17 May 1994

5th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

28 April 1987 to 4 October 1990

4th Assembly - Parliamentary Record

28 February 1984 to 27 November 1986

3rd Assembly - Parliamentary Record

19 August 1980 to 20 October 1983

2nd Assembly - Parliamentary Record

21 September 1977 to 1 May 1980

1st Assembly - Parliamentary Record

20 November 1974 to 13 July 1977

Last updated: 29 Jul 2024