Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr CONLAN - 2012-05-03

Since 2009, your government committed to an upgrade of the Alice Springs Police Station. Now in 2012, can you please explain to the House why the police station has not yet been upgraded?


Madam Speaker, we listened to the police who need to expand their facilities not renew them. We have been out to tender for a brand new, purpose-built facility for government. We have to wait for the new premises to be built. I believe tenders have been awarded and it is under construction now. This has been the most significant investment in new commercial premises in Alice Springs for many years as a result of government funding. Once that new building is finished, the Greatorex Building will be decanted, refitted and refurbished to allow the police to move into and have more space, and then decisions will be made about the old police station.

This is a better outcome for Alice Springs because it gains the commercial investment in a brand new facility - upgrade of the Greatorex Building - then decisions will be made as to what will happen with the current police station. It was requested by police, and police in Alice Springs are very happy with the result.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016