Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-06-02

I seek leave to table a copy of leaked correspondence from the former Power and Water Authority head, Mr John Gardner, to the Power and Water Authority minister marked ‘confidential’.

Leave granted.

Mr Coulter: If I could have a copy as soon as possible.

Mr STIRLING: The correspondence sets out a long list of structural problems that the Country Liberal Party has presided over. They include, and I quote: ‘a lack of clear long-term direction for the authority, acceptance of sub-standard performance over an extensive period, sub-standard organisation and management arrangements’. Why did the Country Liberal Party let these problems arise in the first place and, in the second place, allow them to continue for so long.


Mr Speaker, I wonder if we can do something in this parliament about speeding up the process of getting copies of tabled documents? Obviously to be able to respond to the document, having it in my hands would be handy, knowing what it said would be handy, other than perhaps selective reading that may have occurred. I’ve noticed that there’s been a problem in this parliament for some time. We simply can’t get the documentation from the opposition and we need to improve that.

Mr Bailey: A minister on top of his portfolio would be quite aware of the problems going on. We know ...

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr COULTER: One of the things I’m not noted for is knowing what isn’t going on in the department, I can assure you of that. I still don’t have a copy of the document. I will take it on notice and I will respond as soon as I have a copy of the document. Unless the opposition want to do something to accelerate that process, then I think we have a real problem.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016