Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2001-02-22

We are all aware that this Labor Opposition Leader has priors in making irresponsible references to the Ombudsman. Late last year, the Labor Opposition Leader called on the Northern Territory Ombudsman to investigate whether or not police routinely query a victim’s attitude to mandatory sentencing in order to determine whether a crime should be investigated. What is your response to the Ombudsman’s findings that the Labor Opposition Leader’s concerns were unfounded.


Mr Speaker, might I add that, in terms of the Ombudsman’s response, the Leader of the Labor Opposition has been aware of the Ombudsman’s response since last October, in saying that there was nothing untoward with regards to the actions of the Northern Territory Police. But, like all things, she is only good at raising the allegations, not reporting back to Territorians on the results. That report is contained in the Ombudsman’s report.

This attack on Territory Police by the Labor Party is just another example of the sort of irresponsible behaviour that the Labor Party engages in. Not only was it an unwarranted attack on police, but it was one in which the Labor Opposition Leader took part, an active part, in a deception of police who were trying to carry out an investigation into allegations that were made against them. It is worth recapping what exactly happened.

The former Deputy Labor Leader made a complaint about police and questions asked of his wife in relation to mandatory sentencing. No sooner had this complaint been on ABC radio, a mystery caller, calling herself ‘Catherine’ rang in support of the former Labor Deputy. This was followed almost immediately by the Labor Opposition Leader who said the Ombudsman should investigate the matter immediately.

Following the complaint on ABC Radio, the Police Commissioner launched an investigation and appealed to the mystery caller to come forward to assist police with their investigations. Two weeks went by without a word from the mystery caller and Territorians found out why on national television. The ABC exposed the caller as the Labor Opposition Leader’s Chief of Staff. And, I might remind Territorians, this is her most senior staff member.

What was revealed on national television was that on 22 August, using a false name and with the full knowledge of the Labor Opposition Leader, her Chief of Staff rang ABC talkback radio claiming that police had failed to investigate a burglary at her home because she told them she opposed mandatory sentencing. The Opposition Leader and her Chief of Staff ignored police requests for almost two weeks until they were forced to admit to their deception when it was revealed on national television. After being exposed on national television, the Labor Opposition Leader claimed her Chief of Staff had used a false name because she feared the government. That is what the Leader of the Opposition said. However, this is what her Chief of Staff told Media Watch:

I identified myself and where I worked at the commencement of the conversation. I informed Kate Finlayson [who was the ABC producer] I wouldn’t be of any use to her as a story as I worked for the Leader of the Opposition.

When the Opposition Leader, Clare Martin, was confronted with this, she then admitted that this was in fact the true version and that the ABC knew exactly what was happening, and fear of the government was not the reason her Chief of Staff used a false name. This was a further deception and another untruthful attempt to explain away the deception of police and I believe Ms Martin should have resigned, frankly, over that continued deceit. Because if you can’t be honest with police, you certainly can’t stand up and suggest that you will be honest with Territorians.

What was particularly offensive to police was this outrageous allegation against them which the Labor Opposition Leader claimed, and it is worth quoting. She, the Labor Opposition Leader, told them - this is talking about her Chief of Staff:

She worked for me and they said something basically along these lines. ‘People like you who don’t believe in mandatory sentencing, kind of deserve this kind of thing’.

If we define the definition of deception, it is: The art of deceiving; the state of being deceived; something that deceives or is intended to deceive; a sham; a cheat. Now, that is what the Labor Leader of the Opposition actively engaged in, continually engaged in, in the face of calls from the Commissioner of Police for the person to come forward.

The Ombudsman in his report has noted and I will quote the Ombudsman’s comments. He said:

The second caller to the radio on the same issue, who did not use her correct name, declined the Commissioner’s public appeal for her to come forward to enable police to act on her assertions. Despite the publicity, no other person has approached this office to complain of a similar problem.

Now, it did concern me that considering the gravity of the Leader of the Opposition and her staff’s action, the Ombudsman did not investigate that particular incident further, particularly as most of that was in the public arena. Therefore, in the light of those findings from the Ombudsman, I have written to him formally seeking comment on the actions of the Opposition Leader and her contempt of the office of the Ombudsman and police. I am earnestly awaiting his response.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016