Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1998-10-15

As you would be aware the first economic advantage that arises out of the onshore and offshore mining and oil and gas industries will come from the extent to which local industry and local participation occurs because that maximises the multiplier effect into the local economy. Will the minister advise what work is being done to identify potentials for local participation in the onshore mining oil and gas industries and what actions are being taken to try and implement opportunities and maximise that advantage?


Madam Speaker, I thank the honourable member for his question. I am very pleased to announce that government has initiated an indepth local content study of onshore mining and petroleum operations in the Territory. The aim of the study is to enable government to accurately determine how much money the mining industry is spending on goods and services and how much of that money remains in the Territory. It will also enable government to identify gaps where Territory businesses can achieve further sales and ensure the Territory receives maximum benefit from the onshore resource industry.

You might recall that last year government obtained similar information when it did a study on the offshore oil and gas industry. That study was highly successful in that it identified the then current economic benefits to the Territory of about $70m a year in areas where local businesses could benefit further.

The new study will cover exploration and production and will also look at infrastructure and regional development issues associated with the industry. There are about 73 mining and petroleum companies in the Territory which appear to be spending money and I have written to them seeking their input. The NT Minerals Council and the NT Chamber of Commerce and Industry has already shown their support for this study.

Mr Peter Anderson of Australian Research Associates has been appointed to conduct the study and his results are expected next month. I look forward to receiving those results which I am sure will provide a valuable tool in ensuring that Territory businesses and Territorians reap maximum benefits for the onshore mining and petroleum industry.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016