Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT - 1998-04-23

In answer to my earlier question, the Chief Minister answered: 'No'. It related to the developer and native title claimants being very close to reaching an agreement that will provide 100 new houses. I am somewhat confused by the Chief Minister's short response. Was the 'no' in relation to the question as to whether he supports this major real estate development? Did he answer 'no' to that? Did the 'no' relate to whether he supported the member for Greatorex who condemned the development? Or was the 'no' his answer to both?

Madam SPEAKER: I guess it was because you asked a multi-question that you are confused by the answer, but I will allow the answer to be given again.


Madam Speaker, the land that the member is referring to belongs to the taxpayer. A developer and some native title claimants are negotiating over land that belongs to the people of the Northern Territory. The member wants me to stand up here and agree that land that does not belong to the developer and does not belong to the native title claimants should be simply handed over and made available.

Imagine being the owner of a property. A real estate developer says that it looks to be a pretty good piece of land, and some Aboriginal claimants say they have an affiliation with that land and will make a claim over it. The Aboriginal claimants and the real estate development get together. They do not include the owner in the loop even though they are the owner of the land. The member for Arnhem has asked whether or not I would support that happening. The answer is an unequivocal no. It is not their land. The land belongs to the Northern Territory taxpayer. They cannot do a deal and not worry about the real owners who will not be included in the loop. The answer is a big, big no! It is not their land. It is our land, the people's land, Territorians' land.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016