Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1998-08-20

What does he say to the claim by a senior Labor Party member, Ian Fraser, that the Northern Territory government has bought off former Territory Labor Senator Bob Collins by appointing him as a consultant on the community management of Aboriginal health services?


Madam Speaker, despite the interjections of members opposite, it is worth remembering that this senior Labor Party official, Ian Fraser, who has now been elected to Darwin City Council, is the very same member of the Labor Party who accused the Labor members for Stuart, Arafura, Arnhem and Nhulunbuy of being oxygen thieves. That was during the lead-up to what was the first of the leadership tussles in the Labor Party. No doubt there are more to come, especially those flagged by Jack and John once they have managed to get the federal election out of the way.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr STONE: Well, the Power of One! The phoenix rising from the ashes!

Mr Burke: The Bryce Courtney of the Territory.

Mr STONE: The Bryce Courtney of the Territory. We do admire his resilience. I disagree with Ian Fraser. I do not believe that the member for Nhulunbuy is an oxygen thief - far from it.

As to the appointment of Bob Collins, I was delighted that he made himself available to take up a position dealing with both preventive and primary Aboriginal health services. I think Bob Collins handled it very well when he made the observation that he was not working for the CLP, he was working for the Northern Territory government. There is nothing wrong with members from that side of the House, if invited, accepting a position, particularly an important position pertaining to Aboriginal health. Dawn Lawrie was a strident critic of the CLP in her time as the member for Nightcliff. Yet today, she sits as head of the Anti-Discrimination Commission in the Territory. That is an excellent appointment, and I made it.

I make the point that I will continue to offer appointments based on merit, whether those people come from this side of politics, from the Labor side of politics, or have no political affiliation at all. I have always worked on the principle that you get the best person for the job and, in this particular case, Bob Collins was the best person for the job.

Members interjecting

Mr STONE: To pick up the inane interjection from the member for Fannie Bay, I do not resile from the appointment of Fred Finch to the Planning Authority. There is a man of considerable expertise and commitment and, to his everlasting credit, he is still living here.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr STONE: If the Power of One would be quiet, I could finish my remarks ...

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Nhulunbuy.

Mr STONE: The way you are going, you are going down the same path …

Mr Coulter: Wait until he goes to New York again.

Mr Stirling: What a joke!

Mr STONE: Nabalco has a great deal to answer for. It has to eliminate that aluminium from the water!

Madam Speaker, as I said, we will continue to make appointments, including appointments like that of Bob Collins …

Mr Ah Kit: Another one coming, is there?

Mr STONE: … based on merit. The member for Arnhem interjects. We have just heard his disparaging comments about park rangers, when he reflected on what the deputy Chief Minister did in his previous occupation. The first thing he should do is apologise to the hardworking park rangers in the Northern Territory.

I think Bob Collins will do an excellent job and I am delighted that he has accepted the appointment.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016