Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2001-03-01

Direct mail is an increasingly useful marketing tool and one that I am sure the NT Tourist Commission employs. Can you inform honourable members if the commission has any current plans to utilise direct mail to target niche markets and consumers who need just a little more incentive before they visit the Territory?


Yes, indeed, I am pleased to announce a couple of new programs, Mr Speaker. Some 115 000 people go fishing in the Northern Territory each year. They generate something in the order of $100m for Territory businesses. In terms of trying to attract more people, we are having a mail-out program which will go to the readers of fishing magazines, and they will be receiving a brochure which tells them what sort of fish you can catch in the Northern Territory. Seventy-five centimetre barramundi; put your name here for the fish that you catch when you are on holidays in the Northern Territory. Don’t go and catch a tiddler down at Streaky Bay or what have you, come up to the Northern Territory and catch a fish. The reverse side gives details of many of the fishing safari operators one can take advantage of, and that particular brochure and mail-out is accompanied by a letter. It is also reinforced with fishing adventures, Top End magazines, another one broadly on the Top End, and another on Central Australia. I table these for the benefit of honourable members.

I have never had a question from the shadow minister for tourism. You would not believe that, would you? It is the second biggest industry in the Northern Territory. $800m a year it generates and we get muckraking questions like, ‘What happened to the RAAF Base Tindal supply for food for flood victims’ and a $800m question on an industry does not come to the fore.

This is a very exciting program and it will reach many people across Australia. It is an aggressive promotional campaign undertaken by the Tourist Commission.

In addition to that, there will be some 40 000 consumers who have contacted the Territory Tourist Commission with an interest in a holiday, but they failed to follow through and actually book a holiday, so we are going to have a mail-out program for them. That will be in the form of these large postcards, very well presented. They offer to the recipient a free trip on the pearl lugger out in the Darwin Harbour under the stars, dinner at Ayers Rock, a camel ride in Alice Springs, and balloon rides.

If they are interested then, having been interested formerly in having a holiday in the Northern Territory and they convert that into a holiday, they can bring this postcard with them and avail themselves of the free offer. For a family, that would be worth something in the order of $300-$340, which is worth pursuing. From the point of view of the imagination of the Tourist Commission in generating a program like this, and the barramundi fishing mail-out, we should congratulate them. They have traditionally been well ahead of other state tourist commissions in terms of their different approaches to promotion. This is just another example of it, using opportunities to promote the real benefits the Territory can offer as a holiday destination.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016