Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-02-26

A former Chief Minister, the man who led the constitutional process for 12 years, will not have a seat at the Statehood Convention. He will have to be a lobbyist. Why did the Chief Minister lobby actively against the member for Nightcliff's participation in the convention?


Madam Speaker, what an assumption to make! Can the opposition point to any statements attributed to me that have sought to diminish the ...

Mr Bailey: Can you deny it?

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: Have I made any public comments that have sought to diminish the contribution of ...

Mrs Hickey: You have turned everything he did for 12 years on its head.

Mr STONE: If the opposition is so seriously interested in this issue, why has it left it to the last day of the sittings? Why didn't the opposition ask a single question about this matter? I think I had one question, and that was whether the draft constitution would form the base document. Apart from that, if they were so concerned about it ...

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Leader of the Opposition.

Mr STONE: Why didn't they run an MPI? Why weren't they on their feet on the very first day, voicing their grave concerns about the way this is headed? They have absolutely no interest in this matter. They simply see a cheap political opportunity that they are not exploiting all that well.

I take the opportunity to remind people who are listening to this broadcast that the 27 elected delegates will come from the following organisations: 1 from municipal councils, 1 from community government councils, 2 from Aboriginal land councils, 4 from ATSIC, 4 from this Chamber, being 2 from the opposition and 2 from government, 2 from the regional tourism associations, 2 from primary producer organisations, 1 from

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the Northern Territory Small Business Association, 4 from industry organisations, 1 from the Trades and Labor Council, 4 from ethnic communities and 1 from the combined Council of Churches and Ministers Fraternal group. I am grateful that the opposition has raised the issue because if affords me an opportunity to reinforce to Territorians that the 27 elected delegates - and I emphasise the word 'elected' - will come from the widest and most diverse group of Territory organisations.

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Leader of the Opposition, you are continually interjecting. Please let the Chief Minister finish.

Mr STONE: I point out also that there are to be 9 other specially appointed delegates. These positions are open to application from any member of the Territory community. Territorians still have an opportunity to participate in this convention. I say again to the people listening to this broadcast that they should remember that it was Labor that campaigned against self-government. It will be the CLP that delivers statehood - not Labor.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016