Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-02-24

He is aware that, after over 10 years of hard bipartisan work, this parliament's Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development produced a draft constitution for Territorians. This draft constitution was launched in this House by the CLP member for Nightcliff and was tabled in the Senate by Grant Tambling. He described it as 'a sign of the maturity of the Territory parliament'. Will the constitutional convention on Territory statehood be given the draft constitution as the basis to work from? If not, what document will the convention be working from? Will the convention be asked to prepare a final constitutional document for parliament, or does the Chief Minister intend to hijack this process and produce his own document?


Madam Speaker, yes.

Madam SPEAKER: That was a very short answer. Well done, Chief Minister!

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Mr Stone: Thank you.

Mr Bailey: You will hijack it and produce your own document?

Mr STONE: Yes.

Mr Bailey: The Chief Minister has just said he intends to produce his own document ...

Mr STONE: Madam Speaker, I was asked whether ...

Mr Bailey: Three questions.

Mr STONE: Are you interested in the answer or not?

Mr Bailey: I asked you 3 questions and you said yes to the last one.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Wanguri, I am giving you a warning.

Mr STONE: The member for Sanderson is right - there is a village out there missing its idiot.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Chief Minister, please give your answer.

Mr STONE: The member's first question was whether the Statehood Convention would have the draft constitution to consider as its base document. Every question that followed was premised on the reply to that first question, and the answer to that question is yes.

Mr BAILEY: A supplementary question, Madam Speaker!

Madam SPEAKER: The Chief Minister has answered your question.

Mr BAILEY: He has not, Madam Speaker. I said quite clearly ...

Madam SPEAKER: You cannot ask the same question.

Mr BAILEY: My supplementary question is: Will the convention be asked to prepare a final constitutional document for parliament?

Madam SPEAKER: There is no supplementary question. I thought the Chief Minister's response was quite clear.

Mr Stone: ;Yes'. Are you brain dead or what? 'Yes'. Don't you understand?

Mr Bailey: All right - we want to have it on the record that ...

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Wanguri, please listen carefully.

Mr Bailey: No, there were 2 separate questions ...

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Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016