Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2000-06-13

I have been extremely disturbed about reports over recent days regarding the Panadol extortion attempt, not only that it has become a reality, but that it has had a direct impact here in the Territory. Can you advise honourable members of recent actions by Territory Health Services and what steps THS are taking to ensure the safety of the public?


Again, Mr Speaker, there are elements of this case that are probably best not spoken about loudly in the public environment because it is only feeding those people who would seek to use this ghoulish method of extracting money from large companies. But it is important we put on the record the good work that was done by Territory Health Services staff and our aerial medical service because without the vigilance, diligence and medical training of those people we may have well have seen circumstances that were worse than what we had.

I would like to put on the Parliamentary Record comments about Dr Jeff Bester, the aerial medical doctor who was on the ground at Maningrida when this incident occurred. We are also in the fortunate position of now having a doctor at Maningrida which was not the case some years ago. It was seen very quickly that this was a serious matter. The patient was evacuated into Darwin and at about the same time the patient’s husband also exhibited the same symptoms and had to be brought into Darwin.

The work done by Robyn Winter, the registered flight nurse, was very important in this life threatening situation. I also mention in the Parliamentary Record the good staff in the intensive care unit at Royal Darwin Hospital. As ever, it is a very busy place to be and their quick action contributed to saving the lives of these people.

In terms of Panadol, it is being withdrawn; the Therapeutic Goods Authority has put out alerts. All Panadol is being withdrawn. I can assure those listening to this broadcast that the Panadol used in NT hospitals and administered through our health centres is a different brand and that we can assure Territorians that the integrity of our supplier is still intact. We are in a position where we are monitoring the supplies all the time to make sure they are tamper proof, particularly when we are buying in bulk. I can also let the House know that the two people affected by this terrible incident will be discharged hopefully this afternoon and make their way home. On behalf of the House I thank those staff involved.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016