Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1999-02-23

I refer the minister to the publicity he received last week about his announcement that a new television translator would be installed to improve reception for Darwin viewers. The minister told Territorians that approval for the translator from the Australian Broadcasting Authority was a mere formality. Will the minister confirm that the ABA has not approved the installation of the translator and the ABA has raised safety, strategic and technical concerns? Will the minister detail how the so-called mere formality is proceeding, and when his good news announcement will be implemented?


Mr Speaker, in fact I made it clear last week that the government had agreed to put the new transmitter into place pending the appropriate approvals. It was based on a recommendation by a consultant, BCL, and also the advice was that those approvals will be forthcoming after steps are taken. I don’t think one can be any clearer than that. The member for Stuart, again, would be well advised to listen and to look at things instead of trying to misinform the public.

It is an exciting development and I think that the community ...

Mr Toyne interjecting.

Mr MANZIE: ... at the end of the day, when it was ...

Ms Martin: You haven’t done your homework on it.

Mr MANZIE: ... made very clear that this particular ...

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr MANZIE: Mr Speaker, members opposite have continually interrupted every statement and every answer by members on this side ...

Mr Bailey: They are supposed to be answers, not statements.

Mr MANZIE: ... of the House. They have endeavoured during the whole of Question Time to ensure the community is not getting the information that is being provided. I think that it should be put on the record that their behaviour today has been appalling, and it certainly is a disgraceful example to the young people who are present in this House.

As I was saying, I made it very clear that this particular transmitting equipment will be in place by June this year, pending the appropriate approval. When those appropriate approvals are obtained and the transmission equipment is in place, I will ensure that the member for Stuart is invited to the opening of that transmission equipment, so that he can see for himself what Territorians will experience, and that is that 99.9% of Territorians in the northern suburbs are going to receive a far better quality television picture.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016