Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-04-21

Territorians are well aware of the build-up of military personnel in the Northern Territory over recent years and the positive impact it has had on our community. Can the minister advise the House what impact the increase in defence presence in the Territory is having in terms of personnel numbers?


Mr Speaker, I welcome the question. Defence in the north is very important to the Northern Territory economy. There has been a lot of media reporting recently on all sorts of issues to do with defence. As I said, the Northern Territory benefits enormously from the increasing defence presence in the Top End. I will highlight some of the spending on an annual basis.

In the financial year 1998-99 there will be in the order of $190m spent on salaries and some $50m on operating and administrative costs. On top of this, it is estimated that facilities-related expenditure for the 1998-99 period will be $161m, made up of $133m of capital expenditure and $28m of expenditure on minor new works and repairs and maintenance, much of which goes into the local economy and to local businesses, providing local jobs.

Of course, with the increase of arriving personnel there’s a need for housing. That’s a very strong sector of the industry. The Defence Housing Authority is looking for another 100-odd blocks in the next year to support the defence industry. During this financial year, $58m will be spent on housing, including $55m in capital expenditure for building houses.

We shouldn’t forget that it’s not all just in the Top End. Alice Springs has a very large defence presence there, shared between US and Australian personnel. Defence spending in that area is some $70m per annum - not to be sneezed at. On top of that, they’ve been spending $80m over the last few years on providing new housing for their personnel. Katherine also benefits enormously from the defence presence in the north.

As far as troop numbers go, there was good news announced the other day that the entire artillery force from Holsworthy will be relocated to Darwin. That brings another 400 personnel into the Top End by the middle of next year. We also have heard recently that the federal government has put the defence force on a 28-day preparedness time-frame, and that will also bring significant increase in expenditure. Not only will it bring an increase in the number of personnel but certainly it will also bring more trucking and more business opportunities into the Northern Territory.

Members of the opposition might not be interested in what ...

Members interjecting.

Mr BALDWIN: But for the benefit of those other Territorians listening, I will be making a major statement on the defence presence in the north later today. The Territory economy does benefit a great deal from the defence presence, and my Department of Industries and Business is there to assist in that.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016