Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 2000-10-19

The people of central Australia have been looking forward to the expanded services of the Alice Springs Hospital and the construction industry is looking forward to being part of the redevelopment. I understand that some $10m of work has been tendered since July this year. Can the minister outline the progress of works on the Alice Springs Hospital redevelopment?


Mr Speaker, as members would well know, the original hospital on this site was established in 1938, and was redeveloped on that site from 1972 to 1976 by the Commonwealth, providing a facility of some 312 beds. I understand during that time the only things that were done was a refurbishment of the emergency department and the building’s fire services. Notwithstanding the building is still in good condition, it is somewhat outdated and outmoded in terms of modern delivery of hospital and medical services.

Members will be aware that in March 1997, this government approved the master plan in the redevelopment of the Alice Springs Hospital and the construction management contract was let in July 1998 to John Holland. In November 1998, that contract was suspended whilst the government assessed expressions of interest in the private provision of hospital facilities and services in the Northern Territory. Following that, in March of last year, the contract was reinstated. It was not only reinstated in its original form, but it was expanded to provide a separate entrance and a private wing.

The scope of works for the interest of honourable members of the current contract includes a mental health facility, kiosk, staff amenities, paediatric, in-patient and out-patients, out-patients main entry, clinics, pharmacy, medical records and chapel, maternity, nursery, birthing suite and balcony, medical imaging, Aboriginal liaison unit and Nganampa Health, medical ward, intensive care and high dependency unit, operating theatres, surgical wards, day surgery, private hospital wing and expansion of physiotherapy and rehabilitation.

To date, the value of contracts let is $10.178382m and the amount of work that has gone to Northern Territory and Alice Springs contractors is $9 793 407. As you can see, not only is the government displaying a commitment to Territory contractors, but also the head contractor, John Holland. By way of interest, the contracts that have gone to interstate companies, the major two, one was for mental health duress alarms and radio paging to a value of $66 621, and the second one was for medical gas installation for the value of $277 063, neither of those contracts were tendered for by Territory companies. As you can see even in specialised medical services such as these, we are not an economy of such sufficient size that would warrant specialist companies of these natures establishing themselves full time.

But of further interest to the Alice Springs members here, would be the completion dates and the occupation dates of these facilities. The kiosk is expected to be opened in December of this year; the mental health unit in late February of next; the staff amenities in late February of next; half of the medical ward in late February; the rehabilitation physiotherapy in mid-March; the new maternity suite in late March; the full medical ward in late August; paediatrics in late August; the ICU and high dependency unit in late September; medical records, patient services, switchboard in January 2002; the new ground floor Nganampa Health/liaison/chapel and transit lounge in January 2002; outpatients in February 2002; surgical ward in 2002; private practice suite in March 2002; private wing in March 2002; operating theatres in April 2002; divisional offices in June 2002; pharmacy in mid-September 2002; and day surgery unit in September 2002. We do not have a completion date yet on the medical imaging.

As you can see, this government is committed to providing first class social infrastructure to Territorians and this redeveloped hospital, along with many other facilities, will stand in mute testimony to this government’s commitment to Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016