Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1999-10-13

This is another question dealing with this government’s failure to prevent youth crime. Casuarina Centre manager Meredith Macrae said in yesterday’s paper that the biggest problem at the centre is truancy among 9 to 16-year-olds. Isn’t it true that the government has no dedicated truancy officers operating in the northern suburbs? Will the minister introduce dedicated truancy officers and base them in major trouble spots such as the Casuarina Shopping Centre, or will he continue to sit on his hands?


Mr Speaker, the question indicates once again that the opposition relies for its source of information on the media of the last couple of days. I have spoken to the Casuarina Centre management about a number of issues. Unlike the members opposite, I have been discussing a number of strategies that we’re looking at possibly introducing, and have been discussing them for a number of months.

I remind the member of some comments made in this House 2 appropriation debates ago. We did discuss the situation with truancy officers and where that should go. I asked the member at that stage how many students, while he was a teacher and a principal, did he refer to the department for prosecution. Not only did he say ‘none’. He also said: ‘I’m not saying that I don’t agree with you’. At that stage, the honourable member effectively said that he was endorsing what we where talking about. I’m very happy to find the relevant section in Hansard and table that for honourable members.

Having said that, I will be looking at this as part of an overall strategy that we’re talking about. No one particular action will address the problem. And I say once again that in spending education dollars my first and foremost priority will be spending them on those students who attend school and supporting those parents who have the initiative and the commitment to ensure that their children attend school.Yes, we as a government have a responsibility to look at what about neglectful parents and truant students. But first and foremost my priority with the education dollar will be supporting the mums and dads and the students who are doing the right thing.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016