Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr POOLE - 2000-11-30

Some two years ago, a young Aboriginal lady was found in tragic circumstances in the Todd River in Alice Springs - a girl called Cheryl Braedon. I knew Cheryl for many years. When she was at Gillen Primary School, she regularly came to our house and was a very close friend. While the Chief Minister was away, attention was drawn to the young lady’s death by her mother, Connie. I ask the Chief Minister whether or not he has had the opportunity since he has returned to apprise himself, as Attorney-General, as to the results of the coronial inquiry and the actions of the DDP, with regard to the concerns that have been raised by the dead woman’s mother.


Mr Speaker, this is an issue that the member has pursued with me daily since I arrived back. I have taken the time to look into this case. Notwithstanding the privilege that is afforded to me in this House, I do not intend to dwell on the details of the issue.

Like the member for Araluen, I extend my deepest sympathy to the family of the girl involved. The circumstances under which she died were tragic. I could not say it any more clearly than the mother of the deceased - quite simply, this girl did not bury herself. And she certainly did not deserve to die. I can understand the questioning of our justice system when, in the mother’s mind, the circumstances are clear and nothing is happening.

I have appraised the Coroner’s report, and it is clear that there are a number of issues that are such that charges could be laid, in the Coroner’s opinion. Why those charges are not being laid and why other charges are not being pursued is something that is now exercising my personal attention. I have written to the DPP in that regard.

I intend to pursue the issue. If a reward is appropriate - and I must say that I am advised that at this time it is not - in order to get to the bottom of this issue, that is certainly something we will consider.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016