Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-10-07

After the Chief Minister became so on-the-nose in the lead up to the referendum, you used your supposedly independent office as Speaker to authorise the Country Liberal Party administration’s statehood propaganda material. Will you tell Territorians why you continued to authorise material, including countless television, radio and newspaper commercials, which had nothing to do with the ‘yes’ case authorised by members of this House? Will you explain why you ignored Labor’s 3 written requests from the Leader of the Opposition to stop playing this role, and will you tell Territorians what expenditure you authorised and for what purpose?


I am more than happy to reply to that, because I realised yesterday there were many innuendos being flung across the Chamber. But I would prefer to do it at my own time, later in the day, when Question Time is over. I thought the minister for Family, Health and Children Services gave a very appropriate answer as to why I did that because it was in conjunction at the same time as the opposition actually authorised the ‘yes’ case and the how to vote card. I would like to have the opportunity to put on record exactly the correspondence that went through and also some of your comments you made on radio. So, with members leave, I would seek to do that at a later time.

Members: Hear, hear!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016