Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2001-05-31

Every time the Chief Minister is asked about petrol prices he either defends John Howard and makes excuses or it is always someone else’s fault. The retail petrol price margins around Australia today are: Melbourne - 1.4; Sydney - 9.8; Adelaide - 4.5; Brisbane - 3; Darwin - 17.1. That is for Shell. My question without notice to the Chief Minister is this: why does he continue to allow Territory motorists to be ripped off? When will you stop making excuses and do something about petrol prices?


Mr Speaker, I understand that the margin reflects the Shell profit as well as the petrol station’s profit margin. Of the 17.1, only 6 approximately per litre goes to the petrol station operator to run the business. That is what I said in my last answer and it only underpins the absolute deceit of the Labor Party of the Northern Territory. This might be populist, seductive crap and it may work on some people but - God almighty! - given the trappings of this Chamber, given the great opportunity we have to sit in this Chamber and represent Territorians, surely there is an obligation to be truthful. Surely there is some obligation to have some sense of dignity and duty. I mean, you might be hell bent promising them anything to win government but you will do anything you can to win government. You will rip off the taxpayers, you will tell every lie that is going and you will run off ...

Mr STIRLING: A point of order, Mr Speaker! I think we went through this allegation. If he wants to make that allegation, do so by way of a censure.

Mr SPEAKER: I do not believe that it was made against any individual and I do not believe that it is really any different from things that have been thrown across this Chamber time and time again, not only this week but for a long time.

Mr BURKE: The acceptable margins that are allowed to be charged are set and watched by the ACCC. The margins that the retailers are allowed to charge in the Northern Territory are very low - I think it is up to 8 maximum. Where more is charged, the difference relates to the costs that then flow also to the owner of the business which is essentially Shell or Mobil or one of those organisations.

Where the deceit really comes in is the Leader of the Opposition trying to paint the picture to Territorians of those hard-working operators out there, small business operators - this is the woman who comes in here and says: ‘I’m going to do something about small business; I’m going to help small business’, then, at every opportunity, what does she do? She pillories them. Do you know why? Because she says: ‘I will try and paint a picture to the uninformed and if a few business people get hurt along the way, too bad.’

That is the way she does business, but she has an obligation to tell the truth and the truth is ...

Mr Stirling: You won’t stand up for Territorians.

Mr BURKE: It is about standing up for Territorians, you goose! It is about standing for Territorians; it is about standing up and being honest. It is about having a few principles in life. It is about having a few principles, you long-legged streak!

Mr STIRLING: Mr Speaker, I am not sure if it was directed at me, but I don’t ...

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Settle down.

Mr BURKE: I would implore the Leader of the Opposition to speak to Graeme Bevis. I would implore the Leader of the Opposition to do what the retail operators have already done. I know because they have told me, they have been to your office, they have walked you through it. You said at the time you understood it. The next day she runs out and runs the same lies to Territorians with a view …

Mr STIRLING: A point of order, Mr Speaker!

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister cannot directly imply that. There was a withdrawal. Thank you.

Members: There was not a withdrawal.

Mr SPEAKER: That is the way I read it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016