Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr McCARTHY - 1998-12-03

He, like all honourable members, will be aware of the continuing community interest in the operation of the Territory’s planning processes. Following a recent review of the PlanningAct, Territorians are eagerly awaiting the government’s response and direction for planning into the future. Without doubt, the planning processes need greater certainty, both for developers and the Territory community generally. What plans does the minister have to ensure that the planning process provides certainty and clarity for all?


Madam Speaker, later today I will be making a statement on the government’s direction in relation to planning in the Northern Territory. We are intending to achieve a more inclusive planning process that recognises the needs and wants of the community, a planning process that involves the community up front in the planning in the various centres in the Northern Territory, and a process that is not only inclusive but also responsive to the needs of Territory developers and the economy, while taking into account the needs and wants of residents and neighbours.

We are addressing the needs, wants and aspirations of ordinary Territorians. We will include them in the planning processes. We will prescribe the means by which Territorians can and should be involved in the planning processes, right from the development of land-use objectives through to development consent. This is a great advance in planning in the Northern Territory and one which I am sure will be welcomed by the community in general.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016