Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1998-08-13

There has been a strong push by the Northern Territory Institute of Sport to attract Commonwealth Games teams to the Territory prior to competing in Kuala Lumpur. What teams are in training in Darwin, and why do they choose the Top End?


Madam Speaker, it is, I think, a credit both to this government and to the Institute of Sport that great interest has been shown, particularly by the Australian and New Zealand teams that will be competing next month in Malaysia. There is no doubt that there is much going for this region of Australia because of its climate. However, climate aside, our facilities have to be of Commonwealth Games standard - in other words, world standard. That is something that we can proudly say we have here in the Northern Territory.

We are in the process now of welcoming to Darwin the track and field athletics squads of both Australia and New Zealand – competitors in some of the highest-profile sports that will be taking centre stage at the Commonwealth Games next month. We are experiencing a staggered arrival of Australian athletes. They began arriving yesterday, I believe, and a few more will arrive today. There will be a team assembly in Darwin on 29 and 30 August, including their sports coordinator and medical staff, also arriving in the next few days. All up, from the Australian track and field squad, we are expecting 120 members. Of those, 75 are athletes and the rest are support staff. This is a very significant number of people to be arriving to use Darwin as their stepping-off point for the Commonwealth Games. The head coach of the New Zealand track and field side has arrived in town. Five New Zealand athletes are here as well. Similar to the Australian team, the New Zealand team has staggered its arrival. We expect more of the team to arrive on 18 August, with the bulk of the numbers to arrive on 24 August.

At this stage, competition between the Australian and New Zealand track and field members has been organised for 26 August, 29 August, and 3 and 8 September. Events have not yet been scheduled, but the competition will be held at twilight. This will be an ideal time for Territorians to go to Marrara rather than heading home. Events will commence at about 6 pm, and some of the standards will be world class.

The New Zealand netball team, a squad of 16 individuals, will train in Darwin and will be using the Marrara indoor stadium for the week of 1 to 7 September.

That is the situation at the moment. We are expecting more members of the swimming squad to arrive. Other competitors need to be confirmed in terms of specific times of arrival. In athletics in particular, this is a first-class opportunity for the athletes and for Territorians to see some of these household names, and to wish them well in their endeavours in Malaysia.

I urge all Territorians to take the opportunity to see these people in person, perhaps to have the chance to speak to them, and to watch what will be a first-class final preparation before they head off to the Commonwealth Games.

Members: Hear, hear!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016