Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-04-20

The Chief Minister made some fairly clear, if confused, statements on Friday on radio about mandatory sentencing, and the changes he wanted to see. We have listened to him go on at length this morning and it is difficult to follow his ramblings. We asked a specific question about mandatory sentencing and amendments to the legislation. When will the Chief Minister be bringing those amendments to the Legislation in this House?


Mr BURKE: Mr Speaker, the Labor Leader opposite might seek the counsel of her shadow Attorney-General, who might inform her of the time it takes, for example, the Attorney-General’s department, and through consultation, the efforts of the parliamentary draughtsmen, to get this sort of legislation up. I wouldn’t envisage they could make ...

Mr Bailey: If you wanted to, you could get it done in a day.

Mr BURKE: I wouldn’t envisage they would make that timeline by the next sittings. I would expect it to be presented …

Mr Bailey: How many more will go to jail?

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr BURKE: It is laughable that, on the one hand they call for consultation, and on the other hand they ask for the legislation to be quickly presented.

Now, let’s just clarify this for Territorians. The fact that the legislation is drafted does not negate the fact that consultation will continue to occur as that legislation is drafted prior to its preparation. I would expect the legislation to be presented in the August sittings of this Assembly.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016