Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1999-06-01

Is the Deputy Chief Minister committed to addressing the native title claim around Katherine and Cutta Cutta Caves in a constructive way, and as a stepping stone to forge enterprises with Aboriginal Territorians?


Mr Speaker, I think that the Leader of the Opposition might advise her honourable member that questions should be directed to me in relation to my portfolio responsibilities. The question in relation to this matter by the honourable member is not one that falls within my portfolio responsibilities but I’ve never been one to …

Mr BAILEY: A point of order, Mr Speaker! Quite clearly, under Standing Order 109, questions may be put to a minister relating to public affairs for which he is responsible. He is responsible for the Katherine area as the local member, he’s a minister, and any question of public interest …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Order! There is no point of order.

Mr REED: I rest my case, Mr Speaker. I think the member for Wanguri has demonstrated the lack of awareness he has in relation to the standing orders.

Mr Bailey: Matter of public interest.

Mr REED: That’s not what …

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Order!

Mr REED: Let me just say, as the local member, that it would be nice, of course, if the honourable member for Stuart or one of the members opposite, clearly demonstrated whether or not they support the native title claim over Crown land in the areas of Katherine. Do you support the claim?

Members interjecting.

Mr REED: They won’t commit themselves one way or the other. I’ve got a head nod, but you won’t get a definitive loud ‘yes’ out of them. Do you support the claim? Can we have a big loud ‘yes’ because the people in Katherine can’t see your head nodding.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Order!

Mr REED: I will then take the opportunity to relay to the people of Katherine that the honourable member for Stuart and other members opposite do support the claim. From my point of view, the claim was an inevitable one. There were indications given a couple of years ago that claimants would lodge a native title claim over Crown land in Katherine, but I hope it doesn’t impede development.

I was very disappointed, I have to say, to hear one of the claimants on radio say that one of the reasons for the claim was to get their hands on some development money of future developments on the land. I thought native title was all about traditional ties to the land and not in relation to just getting your hands on the dollars, but I am pleased that the Labor Party have put their position clearly to the people of Katherine in that they support the claim.

Last updated: 09 Aug 2016