Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-12-02

Fourteen months ago, the only election campaign statement he made on the Power and Water Authority was a promise to maintain the freeze on electricity charges. Since that time, he has broken his promise and increased charges, threatened to privatise the authority, promised to axe 150 jobs and offered no relief to domestic users still reeling from the government’s price hikes. Did he not mislead Territorians before the last election and has he not betrayed their trust?


Madam Speaker, the simple answer is ‘no’. I gave a commitment that I would maintain electricity tariffs, which I did.

Mrs Hickey: For 5 minutes.

Mr STONE: No, not for 5 minutes - for the first year of the term. I then did break the price freeze. Do you know what I did? I actually indicated that the prices were coming down.

Ms Martin: When?

Mr STONE: You had that in the statement yesterday.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016