Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-08-18

My question without notice is directed to the member for Nightcliff and chair of the parliamentary Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, Steve Hatton. Will the member confirm that he has travelled to a location ...

Mr PALMER: A point of order, Mr Speaker!

Mr SPEAKER: There is a point of order. You may ask a question of the member if it is on a matter related to that committee, but not on any other matter outside of the workings of this parliament. I will hear the question and then make a final judgment.

Mr STIRLING: You were a bit quick off the mark. I think you should at least hear the ...

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STIRLING: Will the member confirm it as a fact that he has travelled to a location at taxpayers’ expense and conducted his private business affairs while at that location, that he is marketing and running his business on the back of a taxpayer-funded salary and ...

Mr PALMER: A point of order, Mr Speaker!This question has nothing to do with business that the member for Nightcliff has carriage of within this House.

Mr SPEAKER: I am prepared to hear an answer on this if, as I understand it, the question is related to the member’s travel while on committee business.

Mr PALMER: I understand from standing orders and parliamentary practice that questions directed to backbenchers and chairs of committees should relate solely to business before the House of which they have carriage.

Mr SPEAKER: I will take advice. Do I take it the question is complete?

Mr STIRLING: I haven’t had a chance to complete the question, Mr Speaker, due to the points of order.

Mr SPEAKER: I’ll hear the question out.

Mr Stirling: In full?

Mr SPEAKER: I’ll hear the question out and then make a decision.

Mr STIRLING: Perhaps I should repeat the question in full. Will the member confirm as a fact that he has travelled to a location at taxpayers’ expense and conducted his business affairs while at that location, that he is marketing and running his business on the back of a taxpayer-funded salary and entitlements, and that he has arrived late to meetings connected with his parliamentary duties because he has been caught up in personal business affairs?

Mr SPEAKER: I’ll take the point of order from the Leader of Government Business, in that I don’t believe there is any direct connection to matters for which the member has responsibility before this parliament. I rule the question out of order.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016