Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-02-16

I refer the Chief Minister to his leading role in the failed statehood referendum. Five months ago, by way of a formal question submitted through Parliament, we asked the Country Liberal Party how much taxpayers’ money was spent on the failed statehood referendum. In particular, we wanted to know how much money was spent on distributing the draft constitution, written by the now Chief Minister, on the eve of the farcical statehood convention. We have been waiting for 5 months, and with no freedom of information laws it appears we will be kept waiting. Will the new Chief Minister, who says he will run, and we quote him again, ‘an honest, open and accountable government’ now release this information?


Mr Speaker, there is no reason to hide that information. In fact I recall that the previous Chief Minister was quite forthcoming in the cost. I believe he said it was in the order of $500 000. The distribution of the draft constitution, perhaps we can break that figure down, and I’ll have a look. But that was well and truly debated in this chamber. The need for every Territorian to know exactly what they were being asked to agree to was, as we understood at the time, the intent of this Parliament. In accordance with that intent, it was part of the package that was distributed to all Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016