Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 1997-12-04

The government’s plan for the old jail site at Alice Springs has been a source of considerable debate both in this Chamber and in the community, and there have been personal attacks on local members as well. Can the minister state that the government has reconsidered its stance on the demolition of the old jail?

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! I ask all the ministers not to start their answers until there is quiet.


Madam Speaker, yesterday I signed a letter to the chairman of the Heritage Advisory Council asking that council to review its heritage declaration over the old Alice Springs jail. Simultaneously, I approved the insertion in the weekend’s press of an

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advertisement calling for expressions of interest in the redevelopment of that site. For the benefit of honourable members, and especially the people of Alice Springs who may be listening to this broadcast, I will read part of that advertisement:

The site is the former Alice Springs jail within the declared Alice Springs
Heritage Precinct. Most of the original buildings and structures remain
and prospective developers would be encouraged to consider
incorporating all or part of these in any development proposal.

This advertisement will be in both the national and local press at the weekend. Expressions of interest will close on 27 February which I believe allows sufficient time for a developer to assess the potential of the Alice Springs jail site and put in a proposal. However, if we do not receive suitable development proposals for the use of the buildings as they are, all or in part, we will continue to clear the site. I say that deliberately, because I did receive representations from a number of people who felt that these buildings could be incorporated in a suitable development. I am giving them the opportunity to link up with other people, to join in partnerships or do whatever they can. I have given them the opportunity, and I have given the developers the opportunity to take those buildings over. This is not a give-away. The land is offered at current market value.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016