Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 2000-10-17

For some time now, the minister in this House has raised the issue of provision of disability services, particularly in regard to the unmet need within the disability community. Aside from the additional $1.2bn for this unmet need in this year’s budget, can the minister outline any other major initiatives in this area?


Mr Speaker, I think it is appropriate with the Paralympics about to start that a question on disabilities is raised in this House and the answer provides more good news about this Territory government doing what it does best, and that is providing services for Territorians, including those Territorians with a disability.

One of my major aims in covering this portfolio area has been to focus on this area because nationally we are experiencing significant reform right throughout the disability sector and the Territory is not isolated from this. Historically, disability has been a Commonwealth issue and, over recent years, states and territories have been putting increasing amounts of their own money into this area, in fact, in many cases outstripping those monies provided by the Commonwealth. The House is well aware of the difficulties we had over the last several years and are trying to attract money for what we called unmet need. These were people in the unfortunate position of needing services to address factors relating to their disability and the difficulty in budgets reaching that quantum.

Members should be aware that an extra $1.2m has been provided in this year’s budget. Over the next two years that will mean $3m will go into this important area. The department has advertised widely and made contact with clients, carers and the non-government sector to seek applications from those who had low levels of service or in fact in some cases very little service coming from the government. Those applications closed a little over two weeks ago with approximately 360 applications received. They will be assessed by independent panels and once approved individuals, families and the nominated agencies will work with Territory Health Services and staff in local areas called local area co-ordinators to arrange services to meet the people’s needs.

Importantly, what we are trying to do now is have the responsibility for these services rest with the client so that if they choose to access services and to use this money, broker this money themselves to obtain services, they can do so and I think that is a very important step forward. So they can, if they like, manage the services themselves or arrange with a non-government agency to do it. Early indications are that of the 360 applications, almost all will receive some support from the government.

The other very important thing to note, I have spoken in this House before about the arrival of the Deputy Secretary of the department, Mr Paul Bartholomew, who joined us about mid-year from Western Australia and who has a very, very comprehensive history in disabilities. There is some change going on and some of it has been driven by the necessity for change and also because this man brings a wealth of knowledge in this area. There has been some criticism that there should be an advisory body or a panel that advised the minister.

I can inform the House today that has in fact happened and I am happy to announce that Mr Bob Cavanagh will head that panel, an eminent Territorian with good credentials in this area, and he will be joined by another several or so people who are widely representative of carers, the non-government sector providers and consumers. I expect that this board, which will comprise eloquent people from that background who are able to advise me, will make sure that this government hears very loudly the voice of the disability sector. I am sure the change which comes will be only for the better and the additional monies that were provided in this year’s budget will be very, very well spent.

Mr PALMER (Leader of Government Business): Mr Speaker, I would ask that further questions be placed on the Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016