Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 1998-04-21

In January, the Leader of the Territory's branch of the Labor Party, the member for Barkly, returned from her party's federal conference, claiming that the Jabiluka uranium mine would go ahead if Labor were to win government at the next federal election. In view of the comments of the federal ALP environment spokesman, Duncan Kerr, on the radio last night, were the claims made by the Leader of the Opposition earlier this year correct or were they something she dreamt while asleep at the conference?


Madam Speaker, the banner read: 'Hickey Triumphs in Hobart'. Where did this banner come from? It came from her own media release, which she gleefully sent to all media outlets in the Northern Territory as she arrived back in town to tell us all that she had fixed it.

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: The Leader of the Opposition will be quiet, please.

Mr STONE: In fact, she even managed to score a headline in the NT News: 'Labor Drops 3-Mine Policy: Jabiluka OK'.

A member interjecting.

Mr STONE: I will pick up the interjection. It does not hurt if it is a good news story for the Northern Territory. I always rate those over and above party politics. However, what I find extraordinary about this ...

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: Members opposite may laugh and joke, but the difference was that this was totally untrue, and I believe that the Leader of the Opposition knew that it was totally untrue when she returned and wrote her media release.

Mr BAILEY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! It is my understanding that questions may be put to a minister on matters for which he has responsibility. I am curious to know what responsibility the Chief Minister has for what a federal member says or does.

Madam SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Chief Minister, continue with the answer.

Mr STONE: What an absurd, stupid interjection from a stupid little man!

Mr Bailey: Read standing orders.

Mr STONE: You are just an idiot, you really are.

Madam Speaker, 'Jabiluka OK'. We know now that Jabiluka is not okay, and the Leader of the Opposition, the member for Barkly, owes an explanation to Territorians as to why she misled them. She owes an explanation to Territorians as to why she instilled a false sense of confidence in the

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mining sector. She needs to explain why she has to kowtow to a political party in another place - namely, Canberra. I say that because she made it quite clear in the interview on Drive Time last night that, at the end of the day, there is nothing she can do. She has to do as she is told. Perhaps she is in some doubt about what she said following on from Mr Kerr's statement. This is from her federal spokesman on the environment. This is from the minister-in-waiting. This is the man who will ultimately determine, in a Labor government, whether it happens or not. He stood up in front of the protesters at Jabiluka and said: 'We are on your side. The Australian Labor Party is committed to this. And if we come to government and this mine has not yet started, it will not proceed and it should not proceed'. That is the position of her federal Labor colleague.

She is obliged to explain to Territorians why she is talking out of both sides of her mouth. The reality is, if she bothered to listen, that she has a responsibility to get it right and to stand up for the Territory. It is yet another illustration that the Labor Party in the Northern Territory is 'poorly led and not fit to govern'. I remind people listening to this broadcast that those were the sentiments and the findings contained in the Labor Party report following the general election in August. It is its own assessment of itself - 'poorly led and not fit to govern'. It is little wonder that Territorians take that view. 'Hickey Triumphs in Hobart'. What a load of hogwash! She came back and grabbed herself a headline, and now she has been exposed. She is a loser. She is the biggest loser ever to grace that side of the Chamber and she demonstrates that over and over again. Not only is she unable to organise a preselection, but she cannot obtain a change of policy federally. A shadow spokesman comes to the Territory and tramples over the top of her and basically tells her that she is irrelevant, her views do not count and, if Labor takes government federally, there will be no Jabiluka mine. Go and tell that to all the Territorians who expect to get jobs at Jabiluka. She stands for nothing. She certainly does not stand up for the Territory.

Madam SPEAKER: Before we continue, I will clarify for the member for Wanguri that standing order 109 says: 'Questions may be put to a minister relating to public affairs ...

Mr Bailey: For which he has responsibility.

Madam SPEAKER: No - '... or on any matter of administration for which he is responsible'.

Mr Bailey: Is he responsible for what the Leader of the Opposition says?

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Wanguri, ask your question.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016