Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-04-21

Territorians know that they have paid too much for motor fuel for too long. On 27 March, I announced my intention to push for a parliamentary inquiry into petrol pricing in the Northern Territory. On 14 April, the Chief Minister said that, if the proprietors did not fix fuel prices, he would. I welcome the Chief Minister's support on the issue, but a temporary dip in Darwin prices is not enough and will not satisfy Territorians. If he is fair dinkum about fixing fuel prices, will he support my call for an inquiry into motor fuel pricing in the Northern Territory? Will he support my motion that the inquiry be established as a matter of urgency and, if not, why not?


Madam Speaker, while I am on my feet, I take the opportunity to table the letter from Mr Marius Puruntatameri, the chairman of the Tiwi Land Council, which sets out in unequivocal terms that Mr Jimmy Tipungwuti did not participate in the walkout from the Statehood Convention and that the Tiwi people were delighted to be part of that convention. The council sent copies of this letter to all media outlets in Darwin. I have waited for it to be reported, but unfortunately it has not been. The Tiwi people took grave exception to being misrepresented in that way. I table that letter for the benefit of honourable members.

This question is a bit rich coming from a person who, when asked what the price of fuel was in Tennant Creek, could not say. The excuse was: 'I have a government fuel card and I do not have to worry about it'.

Mr Bailey: I thought you drove a car, Shane.

Mr Stirling: He has an automatic 4-wheel-drive. He cannot handle gears. What a wanker!

Mr STONE: I ask for that to be withdrawn, Madam Speaker.

Madam SPEAKER: The member for Nhulunbuy will withdraw that remark.

Mr Stirling: The bit about not being able to drive?

Madam SPEAKER: No. You know which comment I am referring to.

Mr Stirling: I withdraw.

Mr STONE: That was not bad, coming from somebody who cannot even hold his licence.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: Madam Speaker, they may think this is a trivial issue. However, I know that it is

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important to Territorians, particularly working Territorians who have been faced with unacceptably high fuel prices. However, as I said, we have the spectacle of the Leader of the Opposition being unable even to tell the reporter on radio just what the prices were. I could have told the reporter, because I do not always use my fuel card when I am using the car that I am entitled to have.

Mr Bailey: This is the bleeding heart excuse.

Mr STONE: Let me tell the member for Wanguri that I exercise a little responsibility about the way I use my fuel card. I know what petrol prices have been doing because I put my hand in my pocket to pay for my own fuel.

Mr Bailey: How much did it cost to send back the manual when they realised that you couldn't drive it?

Madam SPEAKER: Order! The member for Wanguri is out of order.

Mr STONE: That is a complete fabrication. It is a lie. If you want to come in here and impugn me, you must do so by way of a substantive motion, you little grub.

Ms Martin: We are not impugning you. We are ...

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Fannie Bay.

Mr STONE: That is totally false.

Returning to the issue ...

Mr Bailey: You are sensitive about it.

Mr STONE: I am sensitive about people who tell lies.

Mr Bailey: People who live in glass houses shouldn't be Shane Stones.

Mr STONE: You are really on fire today, aren't you? This preselection ...

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: What is it like to be black in the Labor Party? I know what Tracker Tilmouth feels about it.

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: You are really on fire this morning, aren't you? Look at you. Dispirited. Broken. You can't even get your act together.

Members interjecting.

Mr Ah Kit: Can I rub some dirt on your Toyota?

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Chief Minister, resume your seat. I do not think we will bother any further with the answer to the question because of continual interjections by members of the opposition, some of which have been highly personal and derogatory. I will not allow that.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016