Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2000-08-15

Last week, Labor was exposed for incorrectly claiming police resources were hindering the investigation of drug-related crime. The latest claims were so misguided even the Police Commissioner was compelled to reject them in a public statement. Having managed to get the Police Commissioner to express disappointment at these claims and describe them as totally wrong, Labor went from bad to worse by bucketing the commissioner’s comments in Saturday’s paper. What is the minister’s response to these Labor claims with regard to our police?

Members interjecting.


Mr Speaker, the members opposite clearly do not want to hear about this, but they will because it is a very important matter.

In their attitude to the police, the opposition bandy about figures and include in their political advertisements a claim only 10% of crime is solved. They reflect very poorly on the police in everything they say. They say the police do not respond in the way that they would under a Labor government.

The former Leader of the Opposition, the member for Barkly, even wrote to me and asked for police to be removed from one community. That demonstrates how you would have Hitler police, run by a government directly involved in the management of the police force. That would be of great concern. She has a frown on her face, but I have a copy of the letter.

Ms Martin: What are you talking about?

Mr REED: She didn’t tell you about that, obviously. Okay, we will follow that up.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The minister will resume his seat for a moment. There is just far too much discussion across the Chamber. I won’t call it interjection. It is not interjection. Interjection is meant to be short, sharp and to the point. This is not, and I want to hear a lot less of it.

Mr REED: The commissioner, following the comments by the Leader of the Opposition last week, was forced to refute those claims. He said an unfair reflection on the dedication of the Northern Territory police officers …

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Leader of the Opposition will please refrain from her continual chatter.

Mr REED: The opposition should be condemned for misrepresenting the police in this way. The Territory’s top police officer felt it necessary to enter into the public arena to express his protest yesterday.

The Leader of the Opposition again laughs. The Leader of the Opposition laughs sits over there giggling like a schoolgirl. That is how seriously she takes these matters.

Not only had Labor got it wrong, they got it so wrong that the Police Commissioner was forced to respond. But, ignoring that old political platitude that you don’t keep on digging a hole when you’re in it, the Labor Party followed up that attack with an attack on the integrity of the Police Commissioner, and one …

Ms Martin: Oh, get lost! Honestly!

Mr REED: Well, here it is. It is in the newspaper. I table for the benefit of honourable members a page from NT News of Saturday 12 August. ‘Police Chief Denies Shortage’. He had to respond to the Leader of the Opposition. He felt compelled to do so to maintain the integrity of his police force. And what do we hear from the Leader of the Opposition today but further laughter.

It is of interest to note that on the reverse side of the page, the front page of the NT News that very day, we find that police are praised after six girls are freed following a 14-hour siege - a true reflection of the community awareness of the professionalism of our police, completely in opposition to what the Labor Party have said, calling the integrity of police into question. The Leader of the Opposition should be ashamed of the fact that drew comments from the Police Commissioner in defence of the integrity and professionalism of police officers in the Northern Territory as a direct result of her comments.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016