Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2004-05-18

Index to Minutes – 18 May 2004 to 20 May 2004

From To Pages
18 May 2004 20 May 2004 589 - 617

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

Opposition spokespersons, 11 May 2004 (Mr Mills) 589

Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Bill 2004 (Serial 219) 602
Appropriation Bill 2004/2005 (Serial 234) 600, 606, 617
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2003 (Serial 173) 610
Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 212) 609
Debits Tax Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 226) 601, 613
Evidence Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 209) 606, 607
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 216) 602
Gaming Control Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 224) 607, 614
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 225) 607, 614
Higher Education Bill 2004 (Serial 215) 616
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 190) 606
Law of Property Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 231) 606
Legislative Assembly Members (Random Drug Testing) Bill 2003 (Serial 199) 611
Liquor Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2003 (Serial 189) 610
Mineral Royalty Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 227) 601, 613
Northern Territory Employment and Training Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 220) 607, 614
Parks and Wildlife Commission Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 222) 607, 614
Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 228) 601, 613
Petroleum Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 233) 607, 614
Police Administration Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 213) 609
Publications (Legal Deposit) Bill 2004 (Serial 221) 607, 614
Sentencing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 126) 610
Soccer Football Pools Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 223) 607, 614
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 229) 601, 613
Summary Offences Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 232) 609
Summary Offences Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 214) 609
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 230) 601, 613
Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2003 (Serial 200) 602
Traffic Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 124) 610
Uncollected Goods (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2004 (Serial 218) 615, 616
Uncollected Goods Bill 2004 (Serial 217) 615, 616

Acting Chief Minister (Mr Stirling) for his abject failure to advance the prosperity
of Territorians and deliver economic growth (Mr Mills) - negatived 608

Martin, Ms, Chief Minister for 19 May 2004 and 20 May 2004 (Mr Henderson) 605

No. 19, assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during February
and March sittings 2004 (Paper 1278) 590
No. 20, assent to proposed laws passed during March and April sittings 2004
(Paper 1279) 591
No. 21, a Bill for an Act to authorise the issue and expenditure of public moneys
of the Territory in respect of the year ending 30 June 2005,
dated 12th May 2004 (Paper 1282) (Madam Speaker) 600

Barra National Classic fishing competition (Mr Vatskalis) 613
Bayu-Undan gas field (Ms Martin) 592
Bus Fleet Modernisation, cameras ans airconditioning (Dr Burns) 613
Correctional Services Review (Dr Toyne) 592
East Timor Independence celebrations on 19 May 2004 (Ms Martin) 592
Horticulture Industry Development (Mr Vatskalis) 613
Katherine Harmony Projects (Mr Ah Kit) 613
Mineral Exploration - Web Mining Projects (Mr Vatskalis) 605
Petrol sniffing programs (Ms Scrymgour) 592
Swimming Pool Fencing, Employee Malpractice (Mr Ah Kit) 606
Underground Power Supply, Nightcliff (Dr Burns) 605

MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspension of Standing Orders
Take five Bills together
Debits Tax Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 226), Mineral Royalty Amendment
Bill 2004 (Serial 227), Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 228), Stamp
Duty Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 229) and Taxation (Administration)
Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 230) 613
Take three Bills together
Soccer Football Pools Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 223), Gaming Control
Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 224) and Gaming Machine Amendment
Bill 2004 (Serial 225) 614

MOTIONS (Substantive)
Auditor-General’s March 2004 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 603
Estimates Committee, terms of reference 2004-2005 (Mr Henderson) 592, 602
Explanatory memorandum/statement signed off by the relevant Minister or
Member with each Bill presented to the Assembly (Mr Wood) 601
Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee, terms of reference
(Mr Henderson) 592, 602
Sessional Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
Cane Toads Report – Note 603
Statement of Corporate Intent 2004/2005 for PowerWater (Paper 1309) – referred
to Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee for examination and
report (Mr Stirling) 617
Swimming pool fencing, employee malpractice (Mr Ah Kit) 606

Tuesday 15 June 2004 at 10 am (Mr Henderson) 617

Appropriation Bill 2004-2005 (Serial 234) presentation (Mr Henderson) 591

Annual Reports
National Environment Protection Council, 2002/2003, Erratum (Paper 1283) 604
National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory) 2002/2003 (Paper 1308) 617
Budget Highlights, 2004/2005 (Paper 1295) (Mr Stirling) 600
Budget Paper No. 1 – Speech, 2004/2005 (Paper 1291) (Mr Stirling) 600
Budget Paper No. 2 – Fiscal and Economic Outlook, 2004/2005 (Paper 1292)
(Mr Stirling) 600
Budget Paper No. 3 – The Budget, 2004/2005 (Paper 1293) (Mr Stirling) 600
Budget Paper No. 4 –The Infrastructure Program, 2004/2005 (Paper 1294) (Mr Stirling) 600
Business Highlights, 2004/2005 (Paper 1296) (Mr Stirling) 600
Certificate of Exemption – Assessment of NT Fire and Rescue Services by
Commissioner of Police Mr Paul White, dated 5 august 2003
(Paper 1312) (Mr Henderson) 615
Coroners Act
In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendation into the Death of
Mr Owen King, pursuant to section 46B, dated 3 December 2003 (Paper 1290) 604
Explanatory memorandum to Interpretation Amendment Bill 2004
(Paper 1305) (Mr Wood) 606
Juvenile Pre-court Diversion Scheme, OVERVIEW by Northern Territory Police
(Paper 1306) (Dr Toyne) 609
Attestation by Mr Wood re drug testing (Paper 1307) (Mr Wood) 611
Message from CEO, Mr Robert Griew, Department of Health and Community
Services – BUDGET 2004/2005 to Managers (Paper 1310) (Ms Carter) 615
New Initiatives in 2004 (Paper 1313) (Ms Carter) 617
Northern Territory Economy 2004/2005 (Paper 1297) (Mr Stirling) 600
Northern Territory Economy Overview, 2004/2005 (Paper 1299) (Mr Stirling) 600
Northern Territory Government Gazette G 13, page 12, dated 31 March 2004 re
Metis Consulting Pty Ltd (Paper 1311) (Mr Elferink) 615
Nursing positions – Government’s Commitment to Create an Additional 75 Nursing
Positions In Acute Care Within its First Term of Office As at 10 May 2004
(Paper 1300) (Dr Toyne) 603
Regional Highlights, 2004/2005 (Paper 1298) (Mr Stirling) 600
Regulations 2004
No. 10, Amendments of Legal Practitioners Regulations (Paper 1284) 604
No. 11, Amendments of Legal Practitioners Regulations (Paper 1285 604
No. 12, Associations Regulations (Paper 1286) 604
No. 13, Amendments of Police Administration (Fees) Regulations (Paper 1287) 604
No. 14, Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Regulations (Paper 1288) 604
No. 15, Amendment of Building Regulations (Paper 1289) 604
Royal Darwin Hospital, Bed Numbers (Paper 1302) 608
Statement of Corporate Intent 2004/2005 for PowerWater (Paper 1309) (Mr Stirling) 617

Daly River protection from large scale agricultural development, petition No. 57
(Dr Burns) (113 petitioners) (Paper 1304) 605
Dundee and Bynoe Haven regions, lack of fresh water and basic infrastructure
facilities, petition No. 58 (Paper 1281) (Mr Maley) (254 petitioners) 592
Nos. 49, 50, 52, 54 and 55 and advised members that the text of the responses
would be included in the Hansard record (Paper 1280) 592

Broadcast of Opposition Leader's response to Budget 2004/2005 (Madam Speaker) 605
Broadcast of Budget Speech 2004-2005 (Mrs Braham) 592
File print server memory card fault (Mrs Braham) 601

Adelaide River Primary School students (Madam Speaker) 615
Charles Darwin University Political Studies students accompanied by Dr Bill Wilson 607
Jennifer Prince, Ms, Under Treasurer and members of Treasury staff (Madam Speaker) 600
Ludmilla Primary School Year 4/5 students accompanied by Mrs Gay Cattermole,
Ms Mere Barlow, Ms Kylie Elliott and Ms Stacey Lynes (Madam Speaker) 605
St John’s College Year 10 and Year 11 students in legal studies accompanied by
Mr Stephen Meara (Madam Speaker) 600

Deputy Charimen of Committees, 18 May 2004, Deputy Chairmen of Committees
and nominate the following members to act as Deputy Chairmen of Committees,
Mrs J Aagaard MLA, Mr M Bonson MLA, Mr L Kiely MLA, Ms D Lawrie MLA,
Mr P Maley MLA, Mr E McAdam MLA, and Mrs F Miller MLA 589
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016