Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2007-11-27
Index to Minutes – 27 November 2007 to 29 November 2007
From To Pages
27 November 2007 29 November 2007 495 - 521
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Ministers and Administrative arrangements, effective 26 November 2007, Gazette S35, dated 26 November 2007 (Ms Lawrie) 495
Office Holders of government, effective 26 November 2007, Deputy Chief Minister (Ms Scrymgour), Leader of Government Business (Ms Lawrie) 496
- Bonaparte Gas Pipeline (Special Provisions) Bill 2007 (Serial 119) 516
Care and Protection of Children Bill 2007 (Serial 112) 508, 509, 514
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 128) 509, 515
Domestic and Family Violence Bill 2007 (Serial 120) 518, 520
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 122) 517
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2007 (Serial 126) 509, 516
Land Title and Related Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 131) 509, 515
Law Reform (Work Health) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 124) 500, 504
Planning Amendment (Development Applications) Bill 2007 (Serial 130) 498, 508
Police Administration Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 97) 518
Professional Standards Amendment (Mutual Recognition) Bill 2007 (Serial 125) 509, 516
Statute Law Revision Bill 2007 (Serial 127) 509, 516
Superannuation Law Reform Bill 2007 (Serial 118) 498
Transport Legislation (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 132) 498, 508
Water Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 121) 514
Workplace Health and Safety Bill 2007 (Serial 123) 500, 504
- Member for Goyder Mr Ted Warren MLA, appointed 26 November 2007 496
- Words ruled by Deputy Speaker to be unparliamentary "failed Minister", Speaker ordered transcript of proceedings before making decision - Ms Lawrie withdrew point of order - dissent lapsed. 500
- Senator Trish Crossin, Senator for the Northern Territory (Mrs Aagaard) 499
- Future Planning fro residential and industrial land in the Northern Territory (Mr Wood) 520
- No. 24, Assent to proposed laws, 21 September 2007 (Paper 1152) (Mrs Aagaard) 497
- Australian Aerospace Company maintenance of Tiger Helicopters (Mr Vatskalis) 507
Australian Business Arts Foundation (AbaF) (Ms Scrymgour) 507
Bellamack Land Release
The Minister for Planning and Lands (Ms Lawrie) 507
Brolga 2007 Awards (Mr Henderson) 507
China Business Delegation (Mr Natt) 498
International Museum Exchange Programs (Ms Scrymgour) 515
NT Communication and Technology Awards 2007 (Mr McAdam) 515
October Business Month 2007 (Mr Vatskalis) 498
Remote Community Housing (Mr McAdam) 498
Renal Disease in the NT (Dr Burns) 498
Renewable and Alternate Energy Developments (Mr Natt) 515
Sports Policy Development (Mr Vatskalis) 515
- Growing Industry Capability to support Defence in the Territory (Mr Vatskalis) 500
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Extension of Time
- Allow Dr Burns to complete speech 499
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Administrative Arrangements Schedule - Travel, Motor Vehicle, Communications, Postage, and Childcare Entitlements for Members of the Legislative Assembly - Remuneration Tribunal Members entitlements (Paper 1208) (Ms Lawrie) 520
Alcohol Reforms - Note (Dr Burns) 498, 499
Carriage of Government Business legislation program (Ms Lawrie) 496
Growing Industry Capability to support Defence in the Territory - Note (Mr Vatskalis) 500, 514
Local Government Referendum (Ms Carney) 508
Ombudsman 2006/2007 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 504
Ombudsman 2006/2007 - Print (Ms Lawrie) 504
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 2 of 2007, Members of the Legislative Assembly - Note (Ms Lawrie) 504
Standing Orders Committee
Discharge Mr Henderson, Appoint Ms Lawrie 496
Substance Abuse in Remote Communities
Confronting the Confusion and Disconnection (Paper 1130), Volume I October 2007 and Transcripts of Hearings and Official Briefings, 29 November 2005 to 26 July 2007, Volume II (Paper 1131) - Note (Ms Anderson) 499
Treasurer's Annual Financial Report 2006/2007 - Note (Mr Stirling) 517, 518
Treasurer's Mid-Year Report 2007/2008 - Note (Ms Lawrie) 520
- Tuesday 12 February 2008 at 10am (Ms Lawrie) 520
- Administrative Arrangements of Government, Ministries effective 26 November 2007, Gazette S35, dated 26 November 2007 (Paper 1153) (Ms Lawrie) 495
Administrative Arrangements Schedule - Travel, Motor Vehicle, Communications, Postage, and Childcare Entitlements for Members of the Legislative Assembly - Remuneration Tribunal Members entitlements (Paper 1208) (Ms Lawrie) 520
- Annual Reports
Actuarial Review of Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities’ Superannuation Scheme, as at 30 June 2007 (Paper 1205) 521
AustralAsia Railway Corporation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1196) 521
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 2006/2007 (Paper 1194) 521
Community Justice Centre, 2006/2007 (Paper 1160) 505
Darwin Port Corporation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1202) 521
Department of Business, Economic and Resource Development, 2006/2007 (Paper 1192) 521
Department of Corporate and Information Services, 2006/2007 (Paper 1166) 505
Department of Natural Resources, Environment and the Arts, 2006/2007 (Paper 1189) 521
Department of Planning and Infrastructure, 2006/2007 (Paper 1159) 505
Desert Knowledge Australia, 2006/2007 (Paper 1193) 521
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission, 2006/2007 (Paper 1188) 521
Heritage Advisor Council, Sixteenth, 2006/2007 (Paper 1158) 505
Land Development Corporation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1191) 521
Northern Territory Grants Commission, 2006/2007 (Paper 1161) 505
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 2006/2007 (Paper 1206) 521
NT Build, 2006/2007 (Paper 1201) 521
Ombudsman 2006/2007, Twenty-ninth Annual Report (Paper 1171) (Ms Lawrie) 504
Power and Water Corporation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1200) 521
Professional Standards Council, 2006/2007 (Paper 1168) 505
Tarcoola-Darwin Rail Regulation, 2006/2007 (Paper 1157) 505
Territory Housing by Department of Local Government, Housing and Sport, 2006/2007 (Paper 1162) 505
Territory Insurance Office, 2006/2007 (Paper 1190) 521
Treasurer's Mid-Year Report 2007/2008 (Paper 1204) (Ms Lawrie) 520
AODP Regional Alcohol-related health data report, Alice Springs, September 2007 (Paper 1169) 499
Care and Protection of Children Bill 2007 (Serial 112) - Draft Bill inclusive of proposed amendments in Amendment Schedule No. 23 (Paper 1177) (Ms Lawrie) 508
Care and Protection of Children Bill 2007 (Serial 112) (Paper 1178) - Amendment Schedule No. 23 (Ms Lawrie) 508
Coroners Act
Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the Death of Monica Marie Presley, pursuant to section 46B, dated 15 October 2007 (Paper 1164) 505
Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the Death of Stuart Morris James Jordan, pursuant to section 46B dated 24 October 2007 (Paper 1163) 505
Defence Support Industry Development Strategy 2007 - 2017 (Paper 1170) (Mr Vatskalis) 500
Explanatory Statements
Darwin Waterfront Corporation Amendment Bill 2007 (Paper 1182) (Ms Lawrie) 515
Justice Legislation Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2007 (Paper 185) (Ms Lawrie) 516
Land Title and Related Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 (Paper 1183) (Ms Lawrie) 516
Planning Amendment (Development Applications) Bill 2007 (Paper 1175) (Ms Lawrie) 508
Professional Standards Amendment (Mutual Recognition) Bill 2007 (Paper 184) (Ms Lawrie) 516
Statute Law Revision Bill 2007 (Paper 186) (Ms Lawrie) 516
Transport Legislation (Drug Driving) Amendment Bill 2007 (Paper 1176) (Ms Lawrie) 508
Financial Management Act
Determination of Investments Trusts provided by MLC, dated 12 November 2007 (Paper 1203) 521
- Financial Statements
Auditor-General Office – Audited Financial Statements 30 June 2007 (Paper 1197) 521
Graph, Violent Crime in Darwin from June 2002 to June 2007 (Paper 1179) (Ms Carney) 509
Knight, Mr resigning his position as Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Committees, effective 26 November 2007 (Paper 1167) (Mrs Aagaard) 496
McAdam, Mr Elliot Minister for Local Government to Mr Hangan, dated 28 November 2007 re Local Government Reform (Paper 1199) (Mr Conlan) 518
Parks and Wildlife Advisory Council, 2006/2007 (Paper 1180) 514
Peck, Mr Vern, photograph (Paper 1173) (Dr Burns) 504
Press Release - More Reliable Taxis for Passengers in Wheelchairs, dated 13 September 2007, by Minister for Infrastructure and Transport (Paper 1187) (Mr Mills) 518
Regulations 2007
No.34 Procurement Amendment Regulation (Paper 1165) 505
No.35, Supreme Court Amendment (Leave to Appeal) Rules 2007 (Paper 1198) 521
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 2 of 2007, Members of the Legislative Assembly (Paper 1172) (Ms Lawrie) 504
Tourism NT, 2006/2007 (Paper 1195) 521
- Local Government Councils, amalgamation, Petition No. 68 (Paper 1155) (Mr Wood) (4810 petitioners) 497
Responses to petitions
Milyakburra Community support for the retention of Mrs Sue Whittnall as the principal of Milyakburra School, Petition No. 66 (Paper 1156) 498
taxi licence (standard) cost increase relating to the multi-purpose taxi fee be rejected, Petition No. 69 (183 petitioners) (Paper 1181) (Mr Mills) 515
Veterinarian for Maningrida, Petition No. 67 (Paper 1154) (Mr McAdam) (134 petitioners) 497
- Dripstone High School, Year 9 students (Mrs Aagaard) 518
Mrs Miller's daughters (Mrs Aagaard) 508
Year 7 students from Marrara Christian School (Mrs Aagaard) 517
- Deputy Chairmen of Committees effective 28 November 2007, Ms Barbara McCarthy, Mr James Burke, Ms Kerry Sacilotto, Mr Rob Knight, and Mr Gerry Wood (Paper 1172) 507
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016