Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Standing Orders Committee 13th Assembly

Membership - Terms of Reference - Reports Contact

The role of the Standing Orders Committee is to examine the Standing Orders as required.


Hon Natasha Fyles MLA (Chair)NightcliffTerritory Labor
Mr Gary Higgins MLA (Deputy Chair)DalyCountry Liberal Party
Ms Kezia Purick MLAGoyderIndependent
Mrs Kate Worden MLASandersonTerritory Labor
Ms Ngaree Ah Kit MLAKaramaTerritory Labor
Mrs Robyn Lambley MLAAraluenTerritory Alliance

Terms of Reference

Standing Order 173

(1)   A Standing Orders Committee will be appointed at the commencement of each Assembly to inquire into and report on the Standing Orders and procedures of the Assembly and its committees.

(2)   The Committee must consist of the Speaker and at least four other Members, but no more than five other Members.


A list of all Standing Orders Committee reports can be found here


Ms Marianne Conaty
Acting Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Telephone: (08) 8946 1450
Email: contact

Last updated: 14 Jul 2021