House Committee
Membership - Terms of Reference - Contact
The role of the House Committee is to advise the Speaker on matters relating to Parliament House, the Parliamentary precinct and services to Members.
Member | Electorate | Party |
Hon Robyn Lambley MLA (Deputy Chair) | Araluen | Independent |
Khoda Patel MLA | Casuarina | Country Liberals |
Dr Tanzil Rahman MLA | Fong Lim | Country Liberals |
Dheran Young MLA | Daly | Territory Labor |
Laurie Zio MLA (Chair) | Fannie Bay | Country Liberals |
Terms of Reference
Standing Order 175
A House Committee must be appointed at the commencement of each Assembly to advise the Speaker on matters relating to the operation of Parliament House and its precincts including:
a. building operations
b. repairs, renewals, and alterations to the Parliament House and all fittings and furniture
c. information technology services for the Assembly and Members
d. the library services provided to the Assembly and Members
e. allocation of rooms
f. catering for Parliament
g. maintenance and upkeep of gardens, parking areas and associated roadways, and
h. any other matter referred to it by the Speaker or the Assembly.- The committee will consist of the Speaker and four other Members.
Ms Klarin Sivyer
Deputy Clerk
Telephone: (08) 8946 1427