Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

9th Assembly Inquiries

Committee inquiries undertaken during the 9th Assembly

Legal and Constitutional AffairsConstitutional DevelopmentMultiple Reports
Standing OrdersProcedural Options for Dealing with Allegations Against Non-Members and Explanatory MemorandaReport Tabled
February 2005
Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentThe Efficacy of Establishing an Environmental Protection Agency in the Northern TerritoryReport Tabled
February 2005
Substance Abuse in the CommunityPetrol Sniffing in Remote Northern Territory CommunitiesReport Tabled
October 2004
Public AccountsTermination Payments for Chief Executive Officers and Executive Contract OfficersReport Tabled
February 2004
Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentIssues associated with the progressive entry into the Northern Territory of cane toadsReport Tabled
October 2003
Standing OrdersDraft Members’ Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards, Amendments to the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act and Conflict of InterestProgress Report
Tabled June 2003

Report Tabled
February 2004
Substance Abuse in the CommunityIssues of Alcohol Abuse, Cannabis Use and Inhalant AbuseReport Tabled
February 2003
Standing OrdersReview and Identification of Options for Enhancement of the Estimates Committee ProcessReport Tabled
February 2003
Public AccountsEstablishment of an Estimates Committee Process with the Northern TerritoryReport Tabled
June 2002 
Public AccountsAccuracy of the Budget Data Published in the 2001-02 Budget PapersReport Tabled
May 2002
Last updated: 09 Sep 2020