Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Crimes Victims Assistance Scheme

9th Assembly


189. Crimes Victims Assistance Scheme

Ms CArney to MINISTER for Justice and Attorney-General


I would be grateful if you would provide the answers to the following questions in relation to the Justice Department's Budget for 2004-05. In order to assist you, please note that this question relates to output group: 1.0 Legal Services (1.1: Solicitor for the NT).

At the last Estimates Committee hearing on 25th June 2003 at page 183 of the hansard in relation to Crimes Victims Assistance Scheme, you said the Government wanted to make further reforms to the Scheme. You said: “We have not made any specific decisions at the moment…” but that “we will announce in the near future a revised scheme”.

1. What other reforms are proposed by Government and why has there been a delay of 12 months in announcing them.

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Last updated: 04 Aug 2016