Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr WOOD - 2008-02-20

Yesterday, I asked this question: if roads within a community centre are maintained using money raised from shire rates, and a permit is required to travel on those roads, will ratepayers in that shire who contribute to their rates for the maintenance of those roads be allowed to travel on those roads without a permit? If not, does that not make the roads private and, therefore, ratepayers’ funds cannot be used on private roads? Your response was to tell me about the range of services local government provides; the importance of reform; greater accountability for road funding; lobbying transport minister Albanese, and funding roads will continue.

Why did you avoid answering my question? Will you please answer the question I put to you yesterday?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Nelson for his question. However, I did answer your question yesterday.

Mr Wood: No, you did not.

Mr KNIGHT: You talked about the roads funding. It comes from the Commonwealth government. It gets filtered through directly to councils ...

Mr WOOD: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I have a question here, and there is no mention of road funding from the Commonwealth. It is ratepayers’ funding.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Nelson, resume your seat. Minister, please continue and try to answer the question as asked.

Mr KNIGHT: Member for Nelson, I am happy to take that matter up ...

Mr Wood: I gave it to you yesterday, through the Whip.

Mr KNIGHT: It probably applies directly to the Litchfield Shire Council that you are talking about. I understand they have a very innovative roads construction program, which has won a national award - and congratulations to them for doing that.
Member for Nelson, I am happy to get a full answer for you. However, the roads funding that comes primarily to those councils, and which gets delivered every single year, will continue and we will try to get more of it.

Mrs Miller: Not on private roads.

Mr KNIGHT: I will try to get an answer for you on that specific issue, because I am not too sure exactly what you are referring to. I am happy to give you the answer.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016