Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr GUNNER - 2010-02-16

Can you please update the House on the infrastructure work being done at the Alice Springs prison?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Fannie Bay for his question. The Henderson government is about keeping our community safe, and about keeping our streets safer. One of the initiatives which delivers that is increased numbers of police. The other side of increased police is the apprehension of offenders, and therefore the need for correctional services in the Northern Territory.

One of the key points to delivering the new era in corrections is infrastructure. Infrastructure is imperative to delivering education and rehabilitation programs within our Correctional Services system in the Northern Territory. I am proud to announce to the House that the Alice Springs Correctional Centre will have 24 new beds for female accommodation by the end of this week. This relates to an investment of $12.3m in the expansion of prison accommodation. The female block in Alice Springs will be available on Friday, and will represent a movement out of older accommodation into new accommodation for our female prisoners.

The older accommodation will become education and training space; important infrastructure which will address the need for education and rehabilitation programs to address the cycle of reoffending. This is a very important part of our Correctional Services system, and this is what the Henderson government is delivering. At the end of the day, it is education, once again, that we are talking about.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016