Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs MILLER - 2007-06-20

Cabinet has made a decision to take the traditional owners of waters in the intertidal zones to the highest court in this land with the objective of removing their ability to dictate access to these waters by recreational fishers. Do you support this decision?

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Before I call the minister, I am not sure that the minister has portfolio responsibility for that. You will need to redirect the question to the Attorney-General.

Mrs Miller: I was just asking if she supported the decision.

Madam SPEAKER: While the question should rightly be directed to the Attorney-General, if the minister wishes to answer, I will give her that opportunity.


I do not believe I should answer it at all, Madam Speaker. It should be handled by the Attorney-General.

Mr STIRLING (Justice and Attorney-General): Madam Speaker, in relation to Blue Mud Bay, we are expecting advice either later this afternoon or tomorrow in relation to the High Court decision about whether the Northern Territory will be granted leave to appeal the Federal Court’s decision of earlier this year about access and the ownership of the intertidal zone and waters abutting or adjacent to or on Aboriginal land.

In relation to the question from the member for Katherine, you cannot ask questions in this House in relation to an opinion, nor can you ask hypotheticals. They are long term standing orders, so there is no question there. Every minister of this government supports the Cabinet decision. They are at the table when those decisions are made and they have their say then. Once the decision is made, every minister is bound by it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016