Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MALEY - 2003-05-27

Your colleague, the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries, gave an oral promise at the Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the Northern Territory AGM that the Labor government would close both the Adelaide River and Bynoe Harbour to commercial fishing. There was a reasonable expectation that that was going to occur fairly quickly. Treasurer, why have you not allocated any money in this budget to pay for that promise?


Madam Speaker, I understand that there is ongoing discussion regarding these closures. In answer to the question of whether there is funding available in this budget or not - there is always contingency reserves in Treasurer’s Advance, which this government keeps a very close eye on - between the Chief Minister and myself as Treasurer - to make sure that it does not get used up. Therefore, at any time that negotiations, discussions and consultation wind their way through to a satisfactory conclusion and there are resources to be called upon, this government has them in Treasurer’s Advance.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016