Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Madam SPEAKER - 2008-09-16

Madam SPEAKER: Honourable members, before I call questions, during the sittings I have had, on several occasions, to ask members to withdraw comments that have been unparliamentary, offensive or inappropriate, to repeatedly ask members to cease interjecting and, generally, to call order for disorderly and sometimes disrespectful behaviour.

I have received complaints from listeners to the Internet broadcast, guests to this Chamber, and also from Hansard who are struggling to hear the member who has the call.

Whilst robust debate is an important part of the democratic process, rude and unparliamentary behaviour is not. As a result, I will be enforcing Standing Orders 51, 62 and 63, and asking members to withdraw from the Chamber, if necessary, under Standing Order 240A.

Members will receive a single warning. Thank you, honourable members.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016