Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BURKE - 2005-02-10

In a recent letter to The Australian newspaper, your speech writer and senior staffer, Dennis Schulz, accused the Indonesian government of being the world leader in government corruption. Do your political advisors and key staff members have your approval to make public accusations that the Indonesian government is the world leader in corruption? Do you think it appropriate for a member of your personal staff to be making political comment of this kind? Also, do you agree with his opinion?


Madam Speaker, no, I do not agree with his opinion. That letter was done in a personal capacity. I suppose, in this world, it is a democracy, it is a free speech world. Maybe the Opposition Leader does not agree with that. Maybe it is the kind letter that, when I saw it in the paper, I thought, I do not agree with that, but I respect the fact that somebody has an opinion. As Chief minister, I value very highly our relationship with Indonesia. I do not agree with the sentiments in that letter.

Mr Burke: Does he still work for you?

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Ms MARTIN: I suppose the Opposition Leader is saying that, if you do not agree with people then you sack them or you get rid of them. As I say, it was done in a personal capacity; it does not reflect on the approach of this government at all. The warm relationship that we hold with Indonesia is a strong one, and testament to that is that the Minister for Asian Relations and Trade will be in Indonesia in a couple of weeks time.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016