Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2010-04-29

You have announced a $1.8bn spend in infrastructure programs. My question is quite straightforward …

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr ELFERINK: Treasurer, you have announced a $1.8bn spend in the infrastructure budget. The question is very straightforward: how much is the revote?

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Honourable members, put those down, please. Remove those before you start answering. Remove those posters, thank you. Order!


Madam Speaker, I welcome the almost dorothy dixer from the member for Port Darwin, because it took a Labor government to recognise the need to lift the public spend in infrastructure, a record $1.3bn in 2009-10 …

Members interjecting.

Ms LAWRIE: It took a Labor government, at the same time these clowns were following their Liberal masters and saying ‘no’ to stimulus funding from the Commonwealth …

Mr Giles: It is revoted every year. You are not doing your work. That is what is happening.

Madam SPEAKER: Order, member for Braitling!

Mr TOLLNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The Treasurer knows she is not being relevant. That question was a very simple question: how much was the revote?

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, you have the call. There is no point of order.

Ms LAWRIE: At the same time these clowns were saying no to Commonwealth stimulus dollars, which were critical in supporting jobs …

Mr TOLLNER: A point of order, Madam Speaker! It seems a trait with these guys. It is very difficult to get them to answer a single question …

Members interjecting.

Mr Tollner: Well, she needs to be relevant and to answer the question: how much of $1.8bn is a revote?

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Honourable members, there is far too much cross-Chamber chatter, making it extremely difficult to hear either the question being asked or the answer being given. Minister, if you could answer the question as closely as possible to the one being asked.

Ms LAWRIE: I say it is a dorothy dixer because I am very proud that, under the Construction Division, we have a $1.3bn record infrastructure budget, recognising we have major projects which go across financial years - we do Dry Season construction in the Territory, some people may be aware of that. As of March, year to date, we have put $913m out the door into construction …

Members interjecting.

Ms LAWRIE: A $913m spend in the Territory. That smashes all records; it is a record spend in March, bearing in mind we undertake – and I will repeat it, because they are a bit thick at times – bearing in mind we undertake Dry Season construction activity in the Territory, for obvious reasons. It is very hard to be out there pumping your construction activity in the Wet; we have had a good Wet Season in the Top End, we have had a good Wet Season in Central Australia. Despite that …

Mr ELFERINK: A point of order, Madam Speaker! She has had two-and-a-half minutes and the question still remains unanswered. It is a very succinct question.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, come to the point; there is 20 seconds remaining.

Ms LAWRIE: $913m March spend out the door …

Mr Elferink: How much is the revote?

Ms LAWRIE: Work it out! If you cannot work it out …

Members interjecting.

Mr Elferink: You have restrained $400m from last year’s budget.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Port Darwin, cease interjecting.

Ms LAWRIE: the largest ever spend, it completely smashes all records in the Territory. I am proud of the work the Construction Division has done to get this money out the door.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, your time has expired.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016