Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms CARNEY - 2007-10-16

In an article written by Paul Toohey in The Bulletin published on 2 October 2007, he wrote:
    Two days before that crash …’

that is the Bob Collins’ car accident on 19 June 2004:

    … senior Territory police briefed Chief Minister Clare Martin on the Collins investigation.

Chief Minister, were you briefed by police in June 2004 or not? Are you prepared to release your appointment diary for the week preceding 19 June 2004 to give weight to your claim?


Madam Speaker, I do not know when this question was previously asked, but a previous Opposition Leader asked whether I was briefed at that time and I was not briefed by the police. That is on the Parliamentary Record, very clearly stated by me. Because something contrary appears in The Bulletin does not mean it is right. Any reference to the Parliamentary Record would make that very clear. I was not briefed.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016