Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BURKE - 2002-08-22

You would be very much aware of the strong community support for the school-based constable program, which remains unchanged. On page 13 of the Building Our Community budget publication, support for the school-based constable program is listed at $1.09m. A rule of thumb is approximately $100 000 per constable. This amount would, therefore, provide 10 school-based constables with one support staff. The Chief Minister’s budget speech revealed the provision of 10 additional police officers with two support staff. Given there are currently 21 school-based constables, it appears from the budget papers that the 10 additional police come at the expense of the school-based constable program. Please clarify this matter for the many supporters of the school-based constable program.


Madam Speaker, let me assure the Leader of the Opposition, parents, school communities, school-based constables and everyone else involved in the operation of the school-based constable program – the Leader of the Opposition is well aware that there has been a review afoot and community consultation in that process. The report today – I do not have it before me yet. In fact, I spoke to Assistant Commissioner Doug Smith this morning at the police annual conference and he said that it was about to be signed off at his end. I would expect to see it next week.

Can I assure the House and everyone involved with the school-based constable program that there is no intention to remove school-based constables. In fact, we are coming from a position as a government with a view to strengthening the program so that those schools, including remote schools and indigenous schools, do have an opportunity to participate in the program. That meant looking at all of the roles, functions and activities that school-based constables carry out, and whether there is a better way to deliver the DARE program. There are a lot of questions in that, and I do not want to pre-empt what the report says. I have not seen it. As I said, Doug Smith told me this morning that it is well on its way.

I would like to clear up this matter in relation to the press release that I now have from the Leader of the Opposition. A preliminary analysis by the federal Department of Education, Science and Training shows that, according to them, the NT government increased its funding to government schools by 5.6%. In the May budget, the Commonwealth increased funding for Northern Territory government schools by 6.9%, and we welcome that. Can I assure the Leader of the Opposition that when that money comes through the pipeline and is, in fact, received by the Northern Territory government, it will go in. It will go in to education, but these things take time.

Mr Burke interjecting.

Mr STIRLING: We have a former Chief Minister here who should understand these things. I do not doubt Brendan Nelson for a minute. If he says that this increase went through in the Commonwealth May budget, I do not doubt that, but I do doubt the fact that we have received it. Can I give that assurance: if that increase is there and does come through, it will go into government schools.

Madam Speaker, I ask that further questions be placed on the Question Paper.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016