Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs MILLER - 2006-08-24

I have a very simple question to ask you. What to you is the difference between core functions and non-core functions of government? Can you list the core functions of government? Would you also explain how you would prioritise between them? Do you believe that core functions of government should take precedence over non-core functions of government?


Madam Speaker, am I back at university - core and non-core functions of government. It is not what I think, member for Katherine. It is really what the electorate believes are the core functions of government. The electorate looks for education, health, policing and, importantly, jobs. Whatever government does has to be built around those expectations of people in the Territory, that this is what they want out of government. We provide infrastructure, such as, roads, electricity, essential services, that is all part of it. The expectations of the people whose doors I knock on in my electorate are around those very basic things that they want government to be providing.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016