Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT (Arnhem)(by leave): - 1997-04-30

Mr AH KIT (Arnhem)(by leave): Mr Speaker, for the past 10 years, I have classified myself as a professional administrator. I believe the Chief Minister misrepresented my position as the former director of the Northern Land Council when he stated that I had held Aboriginal meetings on one side and non-Aboriginal meetings on the other side. That is correct, and that happened twice. What I want to place on record in Hansard is that these were counselling sessions. They were not policy meetings. As I was responsible for a staff of 115 people, I chose to take that line to enable me to get the staff to work better together. That is what I did as a professional administrator. I will not walk away from that, and I am proud to have been in charge of such an organisation.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016