Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs BRAHAM - 2005-10-11

My question is prompted by the very good question from the member for Brennan. I am pleased to hear what is happening with Workwear/Workgear Bonus payments. The Commonwealth also offers a Tools for Your Trade initiative. Can you tell me whether an apprentice is eligible to receive your bonus plus the Commonwealth Tools for Your Trade initiative? Can they have both?


Madam Speaker, I thank the member for Braitling for her question. Not being an expert on that particular Commonwealth side of it, there is no impediment in the traditional hard core trade where they pick up the $1000 bonus from this government, if they also - and I think it might be a $500 tool …

Mrs Braham: $800 from the Commonwealth.

Mr Stirling: $800. It started off as $500, now $800 from the Commonwealth - no impediment at all. If there is an issue there and I have said the wrong thing, I would be very interested. No, I am not aware that there would be an issue with one of these hard core traditional trade apprentices being eligible for both. If there is an issue, I would like to know about it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016