Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1997-04-22

Is the Treasurer withholding funds from the Living With Alcohol program unit - an action that is preventing that unit from expanding its services? If so, why is he refusing to release these funds, especially at a time when his own Chief Minister is depicting alcohol as the No 1 problem in the Northern Territory?


Mr Speaker, as I recall, the Living With Alcohol funds are held by the Minister for Health Services. If the Leader of the Opposition were a little more aware of the ...

Mr Bailey: Treasury has refused to release any further funds.

Mr REED: Will you do the Leader of the Opposition the courtesy of allowing an answer to be provided to her question?

If the Leader of the Opposition were a little more familiar with government administration and financial management practices, she would be aware that the Living With Alcohol program is administered by Territory Health Services and funding under it is determined by the Minister for Health Services. The activities undertaken with that funding are very diverse and extremely beneficial to the Territory community. I am not sure where the Leader of the Opposition has gained the impression that Treasury is withholding Living With Alcohol funding.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016